Im Atlantik verschollen. Der 76tägige Überlebenskampf eines schiffbrüchigen Seglers

von Steven Callahan


Before The Perfect Storm, before In the Heart of the Sea, Steven Callahanâs dramatic tale of survival at sea was on the New York Times bestseller list for more than thirty-six weeks. In some ways the model for the new wave of adventure books, Adrift is an undeniable seafaring classic, a riveting firsthand account by the only man known to have survived more than a month alone at sea, fighting for his life in an inflatable raft after his small sloop capsized only six days out. Utterly absorbingâ (Newsweek), Adrift is a must-have for any adventure library.



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Great adventure book. A nightmare to imagine, to be enclosed in a boat for longer than 60 days, having to be resourceful without resources, a good book to perceive how well prepared you have to be, before decide to go on an adventure

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