
Pýcha a predsudok je najznámejší román anglickej spisovateľky Jane Austenovej a jeden z najpopulárnejších románov anglickej literatúry vôbec. Prvú verziu románu Austenová napísala v rokoch 1796 – 1797 pod názvom Prvé dojmy, v tejto podobe ho však nikdy nevydala, pretože sa preň Austenovej nepodarilo nájsť vydavateľa. Po vydaní románu Rozum a cit sa k rukopisu Austenová vrátila, prepracovala ho, takže bol román nakoniec publikovaný 28. januára 1813 pod názvom „Pýcha a predsudok“.
Hlavné postavy románu sú mladá, dôvtipná a citlivá Elizabeth Benettová, stelesňujúca samu autorku, a inteligentný, ale neprístupný a navonok necitlivý pán Fitzwilliam Darcy. Román popisuje postupné prekonávanie vlastnej pýchy a zbavovanie sa predsudkov zo strany oboch hrdinov, ktoré - bez toho aby to sami vedeli - prekonáva predovšetkým ich vzájomná láska.

First Published


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This novel is addictive. You read it again and again to confirm your suspicion that the male hero suddenly changes partway through it from a contemptible prig into a kind, charming, and modest moral paragon. But what you cannot figure out is how Jane Austin pulls this off without ever losing your interest. Every unexpected twist just makes you want to stay up longer in order to see what happens next. It all holds together, like an Escher painting, despite the fact that, by the end, the male hero has undergone a 180 degree metamorphosis. It's uncanny and a real work of art.

0 Responses posted in November


One of my very favorite books! I love Austen's depiction of the intelligent and strong-willed Elizabeth. I also adore the themes that the book shows about wealth, staying true to yourself, courting, and love. Other characters, such as Mr. Darcy and Jane, are well developed. Finally, I really like the language; I find it flowery, but still easy enough to understand.

0 Responses posted in March


Delicada e perspicaz, esta obra é reflexo de comportamentos atemporais humanos; as relações e os conflitos presentes na narrativa descrevem o amadurecimento do caráter, a formalidade dos interesses e a pré disposição ao julgamento (conceito). É um livro incrivelmente bem escrito, até humorado, onde o amor é a plataforma para o desenvolvimento da personalidade humana.

1 Response posted in January


Really great novel! Besides the story, which is amazing, the caracters, the description of their personalities, their learning curve, all of this make this one of the best books I ever read.

0 Responses posted in January


Perfeito, bela, porém, não obvia historia de amor, retrata bem a mulher na sociedade inglesa da época ao mesmo tempo em cria um dos principais galãs da literatura mundial.

0 Responses posted in January
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