Krik i bijes

Novel by William Faulkner


Krik i bijes je roman američkog književnika Williama Faulknera, prvi put objavljen 1929. To je njegovo prvo djelo koje koristi tehniku struje svijesti. Faulkner je uz Jamesa Joycea i Virginiju Woolf najuspješniji tvorac romana toka svijesti. Krik i bijes je jedan od najambicioznijih modernističkih romana uopće te klasik američke književnosti. Nakon objavljivanja, uopće nije bio popularan te zasluženu kritičku pažnju stiče tek nakon objavljivanja sljedećeg piščevog djela Svetište 1931.
Radnja je, kao i u većini Faulknerovih romana, smještena u izmišljenom okrugu Yoknapatawpha. U središtu romana je obitelj Compson, bivši južnjački aristokrati koji se suočavaju sa svojim potpunim raspadom.
Godine 1998. Moderna knjižnica ga je stavila na šesto mjesto na listi 100 najboljih romana na engleskom jeziku 20. stoljeća.

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I went into this book blind, having read everything of Cormac McCarthy's and moving onto Faulkner, first with As I Lay Dying and then this. I got about 5 pages in then went to Wikipedia, confirmed I wasn't insane with a quick skim through the overview so as not to spoil the story, and jumped back in. I won't pretend I found it an easy read; sentences needed re-reading, some pieces of the puzzle didn't click together until later, and often I found myself drawn into the text at an ever increasing pace until I hit a punctuation mark and realised I had no comprehension of what I had just read. I hope to read it again one day, armed now with a knowledge of the timeline; upon completing it I felt I'd just completed a puzzle as handfuls of the pieces were hurled at me, now I've seen the completed picture I can go back and enjoy each piece as it comes. Absorbing though confusing, well worth a read but perhaps arm yourself first with a summary.

0 Responses posted in May
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