The most popular books in English
from 57401 to 57600
What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Goethe's influential text, newly illustrated with stunning color photographs.The Metamorphosis of Plants, published in 1790, was Goethe's first major attempt to describe what he called in a letter to a friend “the truth about the how of the organism.” Inspired by the diversity …

Barbara Rose
This book solves the mystery of how to receive answers when you really want them. You learn not only that you are heard but that you are answered, and you will be able to receive all of the answers you need in order to propel your life forward in the most positive way.

Robert Seethaler
'Heart-rending and heart-warming ...for all its gentleness, a very powerful novel.' Jim Crace Andreas lives his whole life in the Austrian Alps, where he arrives as a young boy taken in by a farming family. He is a man of very few words and so, when he falls in love with Marie, …