The most popular books in English
from 76601 to 76800

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

76613. Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty

Brian K. Vaughan

Aliens, Atlantean, and Axis; super-criminals and super-terrorists--it's all in a day's work for Captain America in these stunning stories of wartime missions and adventures from his earliest Avengers days! Guest-starring Bucky, the Falcon, two Human Torches, Iron Man, the …

76627. X Men

Stan Lee

76761. Relatos


76799. Letters of Jane Austen (vol. 1)

Jane Austen

The son of Jane Austen's 'favourite niece' Fanny Knight, Lord Brabourne, had inherited a large number of letters from Austen including some to her sister Cassandra and others to members of the Knight family. The Letters of Jane Austen (1884) publishes these letters for the first …

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