image of Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett

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Why we all deserve a life worth living and a death worth dying for ‘Most men don’t fear death. They fear those things – the knife, the shipwreck, the illness, the bomb – which precede, by microseconds if you’re lucky, and many years if you’re not, the moment of death.’ When Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with …

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Små blå män är en fantasyroman av Terry Pratchett utgiven 2003.

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Små gudar är en bok skriven av Terry Pratchett, som är den tolfte boken i serien om Skivvärlden.

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Snuff is the 39th novel in the Discworld series, written by Terry Pratchett. It was published on 11 October 2011 in the United States, and 13 October 2011 in the United Kingdom. The book is the third fastest selling novel in the United Kingdom since records began, having sold over 55,000 copies in the first three …

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