image of Nancy Huston

Nancy Huston

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The year is 1957 and the place is Paris, where the psychic wounds of World War II have barely begun to heal. Saffie, a young German woman, becomes maid, then wife, to Raphael, a privileged French musician who finds her remoteness provocative and irresistable. One day in the old Jewish quarter of the city, where she …

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Nancy Huston’s The Goldberg Variations, which was shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award for Translation, echoes Bach’s Variations in its structure and rhythms, and ultimately, its irony. "Suppose you invite thirty people to your home, people whom you love or have loved, to listen to you perform Bach’s Goldberg …

... Unknown

Best-seller na França, vencedor do Prêmio Femina e finalista do Prêmio Goncourt"Um adulto nada mais é do que uma criança que sofreu." Essa é a principal idéia por trás de Marcas de Nascença, o 11º romance de Nancy Huston, autora canadense radicada na França. Partindo de uma idéia singela e genial, a escritora conta a …