image of John Grisham

John Grisham

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With her sparkling voice and superb acting ability, Blair Brown gives an impressive reading of this John Grisham blockbuster. The story hinges on a young boy who gets an unwanted earful of murder, politics--and dangerous secrets about both--from a conscience-stricken mob lawyer bent on suicide. "I can tell you where …

... Unknown

The Broker is a suspense novel written by American authorJohn Grisham and published in the United States on January 11, 2005. The novel follows the story of Joel Backman, a newly pardoned prisoner who had tried to broker a deal to sell the world's most powerful satellite surveillance system to the highest bidder.

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Mark Sway, um garoto de onze anos, testemunha o bizarro suicidio de um advogado de Nova Orleans. Antes de morrer, o homem conta a Mark um segredo que envolve o recente assassinato de um senador da Louisiana, cujo matador, um mafioso, esta prestes a enfrentar o tribunal. Pressionado pela policia, pelo promotor e pelo …

... Unknown

O Recurso é um livro lançado em 2008 do autor John Grisham, seu vigésimo-primeiro livro e seu primeiro suspense de ficção legal desde "O Corretor", publicado em 2005. No Brasil, o livro foi publicado pela Editora Rocco e, nos Estados Unidos, em capa dura pela Doubleday no dia 29 de Janeiro de 2008.

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AN ORIGINAL E-SHORT • This standalone prequel to the #1 bestseller Rogue Lawyer tells the story of how Sebastian Rudd finally found someone he could trust to be his driver, bodyguard, law clerk, and partner. Sebastian Rudd, rogue lawyer, defends people other lawyers won't go near. It's controversial and dangerous …

... Unknown

The Testament is a Adventure Story by American author John Grisham. It was published in hardcover by Doubleday on February 2, 1999.

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Playing for Pizza is a short novel by John Grisham, released on September 25, 2007. The novel is about an itinerant American football player who can no longer get work in the National Football League and whose agent, as a last resort, signs a deal for him to play for the Parma Panthers, in Parma, Italy.