image of Терри Пратчетт

Терри Пратчетт

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The Discworld Mapp — «Карта Плоского Мира», атлас Плоского мира, нарисованный Стивеном Плейером, под руководством Терри Пратчетта и Стивена Бриггса. На русском языке ещё не издавался

... Unknown

This is how the Discworld began. Here is the sapient pearwood Luggage, a mobile trunk which launders any clothes put in it and incidentally homicidally defends its owner. Here is Twoflower, an innocent tourist in a world of nightmares and fairy tales

... Unknown
... Unknown

The side-splitting sequel to The Color of Magic, The Light Fantastic by New York Times bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett takes readers on another offbeat journey with bumbling wizard Rincewind and hapless tourist Twoflower—both last seen falling off the edge of Discworld. The fate of Pratchett’s alternative …