image of Paul Auster

Paul Auster

* February 3, 1947 in United States
... Unknown

The Story of My Typewriter is a little book, by Paul Auster, mostly with pictures by the painter Sam Messer about the author's old Olympia typewriter. Auster bought the typewriter in 1972 from an old college friend who had owned it since 1962. Allegedly everything Auster has written since has been typed on it. The …

... Unknown

Timbuctú è un romanzo di Paul Auster del 1999. Si tratta della vita di un cane, Mr. Bones, che lotta per venire a patti con il fatto che il suo padrone senza tetto sta per morire. La storia, ambientata nei primi anni '90, è raccontata attraverso gli occhi di Mr. Bones, che, pur non essendo antropomorfizzato, esegue un …

... Unknown
... Unknown
... Unknown

Man in the Dark is a novel by Paul Auster published in August 2008. Its topic is a dystopian scenario of the present-day USA being torn apart by a new secession and civil war after the presidential elections of 2000. This is told within a frame narrative of an aging journalist reflecting on his family and the death of …