image of Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke

... Unknown

Of Time and Stars is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications including the periodicals Dude, The Evening Standard, Lilliput, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Future, New Worlds, Startling Stories, …

... Unknown

Preludio allo spazio è un romanzo di fantascienza del 1951 di Arthur C. Clarke. Ambientato nel 1978, narra gli antefatti immaginari del lancio della prima navicella spaziale del mondo capace di atterrare sulla Luna, la Prometheus. Fu pubblicato dieci anni prima dell'annuncio del programma Apollo e 18 anni prima …

... Unknown

Beyond the Fall of Night is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Gregory Benford. The first part of Beyond the Fall of Night is a reprint of Clarke’s famous Against the Fall of Night while the second half is a "sequel" by Gregory Benford which takes place many years later. This book is unrelated to The City and the Stars …

... Unknown

Storie di terra e spazio è una raccolta di racconti di fantascienza dello scrittore britannico Arthur C. Clarke. Tutti i racconti, in origine, sono stati editi in diverse pubblicazioni.

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Richter 10 is a 1996 novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Mike McQuay. The protagonist is Lewis Crane, who develops a hatred of earthquakes due to a major earthquake hitting his house when he is seven years old, killing his parents. The book's title is a reference to the Richter scale, on which 10 was considered to be the …

... Unknown

Le porte dell'oceano, edito in italiano anche come Il popolo del mare, è un romanzo di fantascienza del 1963 dello scrittore britannico Arthur C. Clarke. È stato pubblicato in italiano per la prima volta nel 1965.

... Unknown

Glide Path is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke, published in 1963. Clarke's only non-science fiction novel, it is set during World War II, and tells a fictionalized version of the development of the radar-based ground-controlled approach aircraft landing system, and includes a character modeled on Luis Alvarez, who …