image of August Strindberg

August Strindberg

... Unknown
... Unknown

" La lecture du Bouc émissaire est d'un enchantement drolatique et désespéré. " Le Nouvel Obs Quand l'Étranger arriva, Askanius fut son bon génie : il lui prêta la somme pour ouvrir son cabinet d'avocat. Une fois installé, Édouard Libotz voulut se faire des amis, se marier, " faire sa vie ". " Il fit le bien et …

... Unknown

This autobiographical novel is based on Strindberg's life in the 1870s and 1880s, and focuses on his marriage to Siri von Essen. It purports to be a vehicle for explaining to himself his role in the relationship from its ecstatic beginnings to its catastrophic conclusion. The novel was written in French and the French …