image of Damien Broderick

Damien Broderick

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Zones is a 1997 young-adult science fiction novel by Damien Broderick & Rory Barnes. It follows the story of Jenny who receives a phone call from another year.

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The White Abacus is a 1997 science fiction novel by Damien Broderick. It follows the story of Telmah Lord Cima who travels to Earth from a far-off world and becomes friends with a computer-augmented being called Ratio.

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K-Machines is a 2006 science fiction novel by Damien Broderick. It is the sequel to Broderick's 2005 novel Godplayers. It follows the story of August Seebeck who is empowered with a killing device and finds himself moving world to world in a brutal and confusing game.

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Transcension is a 2002 science fiction novel by Damien Broderick. It follows the story of lawyer Mohammed Kasim Abdel-Malik who after being killed his body is placed in cryonic suspension his mind is used as a source for an artificial intelligence, Aleph.

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