image of 欧仁·尤内斯库


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In a house on an island a very old couple pass their time with private games and half-remembered stories. With brilliant eccentricity, Ionesco's 'tragic farce' combines a comic portrait of human folly with a magical experiment in theatrical possibilities.

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秃头歌女是罗马尼亚裔法国剧作家欧仁·尤内斯库的第一部戏剧作品。 首演于1950年5月11日在Theâtre des Noctambules上演,由法国导演Nicolas Bataille执导。自1957年起成为该剧院的固定演出剧目。该剧有数个改变版本,是法国上演最多的剧目之一。

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First produced in 1963 starring Alec Guinness and successfully revived to great acclaim on Broadway in 2009, this absurdist exploration of ego and mortality is set in the crumbling throne-room of the palace in an unnamed country where King Berenger the First has only the duration of the play to live. Once, it seemed …