image of Orhan Pamuk

Orhan Pamuk

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Galip is a lawyer living in Istanbul. His wife, the detective novel–loving Ruya, has disappeared. Could she have left him for her ex-husband or Celâl, a popular newspaper columnist? But Celâl, too, seems to have vanished. As Galip investigates, he finds himself assuming the enviable Celâl's identity, wearing his …

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Nazywam się Czerwień – jest powieścią Orhana Pamuka z 1998 roku. W Polsce książka ukazała się w 2007 roku w Wydawnictwie Literackim.

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The protagonist of Orhan Pamuk's fiendishly engaging novel is launched into a world of hypnotic texts and (literally) Byzantine conspiracies that whirl across the steppes and forlorn frontier towns of Turkey. And with The New Life, Pamuk himself vaults from the forefront of his country's writers into the arena of …

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Other colors is a 2007 book written by Orhan Pamuk.

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In a crumbling mansion in a gentrified former fishing village on the Turkish coast, the widow Fatma awaits the annual visit of her grandchildren: Faruk, a dissipated historian; his sensitive leftist sister, Nilgün; and Metin, a high schooler drawn to the fast life of the nouveaux riche. Bedridden, Fatma is attended by …

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Śnieg - powieść tureckiego pisarza Orhana Pamuka wydana w 2002 roku. W Polsce, w tłumaczeniu Anny Polat, wydało ją Wydawnictwo Literackie. Śnieg to opowieść o zderzeniu dwóch kultur: europejskiej i islamskiej, wiernie wpisana w realia współczesnego świata. Stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem, a jej popularność …

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It is 1975, a perfect spring in Istanbul. Kemal and Sibel, children of two prominent families, are about to become engaged. But when Kemal encounters Füsun, a beautiful shopgirl and a distant relation, he becomes enthralled. And once they violate the code of virginity, a rift begins to open between Kemal and the world …