image of Karen Traviss

Karen Traviss

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Star Wars Republic Commando: True Colors is the third novel in the Republic Commando series, written by Karen Traviss. It is a sequel to Hard Contact and Triple Zero and continues the story of Omega Squad's actions during the Clone Wars.

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Judge is a science fiction novel written by Karen Traviss. It is the sixth and last book of the Wess'Har Series. It was nominated for the 2009 Philip K. Dick Award.

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Star Wars Republic Commando: Order 66 is the fourth novel in the Republic Commando series, written by Karen Traviss. It is a sequel to Hard Contact, Triple Zero, and True Colors; it continues the story of Omega Squad's actions during the Clone Wars. It was released on September 16, 2008.

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Gears of War: Aspho Fields è un romanzo scritto da Karen Traviss e pubblicato in Italia da Edizioni. La trama percorre gli eventi accaduti nella battaglia ad Aspho Fields e le Pendulum Wars e come nacque la grande amicizia tra Carlos Santiago e il fratello minore Dominic Santiago con Marcus Fenix. Fa …

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