image of Ken Follett

Ken Follett

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Eye of the Needle is a spy thriller novel written by Welsh author Ken Follett. It was originally published in 1978 by the Penguin Group under the title Storm Island. This novel was Follett's first successful, bestselling effort as a novelist, and it earned him the 1979 Edgar Award for Best Novel from the Mystery …

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Els pilars de la Terra, titulada The Pillars of the Earth en la seva versió original en anglès, és una novel·la històrica de Ken Follett que gira a l'entorn de la construcció d'una catedral gòtica a Kingsbridge. L'acció es desenvolupa a mitjans del segle XII. Als editors de Follett els preocupava tant el contingut com …

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Edge of Eternity is the epic, final novel in Ken Follett's captivating and hugely ambitious Century trilogy. On its own or read in sequence with Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, this is an irresistible and spellbinding epic about the fight for personal freedom set during the Cold War. A FIGHT AGAINST INJUSTICE …

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