image of Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens

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La posizione della missionaria. Teoria e pratica di Madre Teresa è un libro di Christopher Hitchens sulla vita e le opere di Madre Teresa. In merito all'allusione sessuale insita nel titolo, Hitchens ha dichiarato: "Poteva essere quello oppure La Vacca Sacra, e ho pensato che La Vacca Sacra fosse di cattivo gusto.". …

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La vittoria di Orwell, pubblicato nel Regno Unito col titolo Orwell's Victory e negli USA con Why Orwell Matters, è un saggio biografico di Christopher Hitchens pubblicato da Libri Scheiwiller il 27 marzo 2008. Nel testo, l'autore discute i pensieri e le azioni di George Orwell sui seguenti temi: l'Impero britannico; …

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Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays is a collection of essays and reportage by author, journalist and literary critic Christopher Hitchens. The title of the book is explained in the introduction, which informs the reader that "an antique saying has it that a man's life is incomplete unless or until he has …

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Amazon Best Books of the Month, September 2012: Curious and prolific to the end, combative writer Christopher Hitchens leaves us with a posthumously published analysis of his dying days. Mortality is the anti–Last Lecture: Stripping away semantics and sentimentality, Hitchens treats his cancer as he would any other …

... Unknown

No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton is a 1999 book about Bill Clinton by author and journalist Christopher Hitchens. It was first published in hardback by the New Left Books imprint, Verso. Its first publication in paperback in 2000 featured expanded content, a new subtitle and also …