image of Lev Tolstoj

Lev Tolstoj

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This edition includes: The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Happy Ever After, and The Cossacks. Mortality was one of Tolstoy's most persistent themes, and all of the stories in this volume are connected by this preoccupation, along with the author's simultaneous attempt to help us improve our lives.

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"The Devil" is a novella by Leo Tolstoy. It was written in 1889, given an alternative ending in 1909, but published only posthumously in 1911. Like Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata, written around the same time, "The Devil" deals with the consequences of sexual emotion.

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Krig och fred är en episk roman av Lev Tolstoj publicerad mellan 1865 och 1869 i tidskriften Russkij Vestnik. Den skildrar det ryska samhället under Napoleoneran.

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