image of Loretta Chase

Loretta Chase

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Back in print--to whet fan's appetites for Lord Perfect in March 2006. A fiery noblewoman and arrogant rogue fall prey to danger and their own desires on a perilous quest for vengeance.

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Spunky English girl overcomes impossible odds and outsmarts heathen villains.That's the headline when Zoe Lexham returns to England. After twelve years in the exotic east, she's shockingly adept in the sensual arts. She knows everything a young lady shouldn't and nothing she ought to know. She's a walking scandal, …

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Irresistible ForceDarius Carsington is a spectacularly handsome rake with a rare intelligence and no heart, a man who divides his time between bedding loose-moraled women and writing scholarly papers. He finds society's "perfect darlings" exceedingly boring. But there's something intriguing, and not quite perfect, …

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Beloved author Loretta Chase offers her long-awaited new novel-the tale of a bluestocking and a reformed rake who clash over a matter of business, and soon find themselves facing an entirely different, and delicious, sort of tension.