image of Lyman Frank Baum

Lyman Frank Baum

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Little Wizard Stories of Oz is a set of six short stories written for young children by L. Frank Baum, the creator of the Oz books. The six tales were published in separate small booklets, "Oz books in miniature," in 1913, and then in a collected edition in 1914 with illustrations by John R. Neill. Each booklet was 29 …

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... Unknown

El meravellós màgic d'Oz és un llibre de literatura infantil escrit per Lyman Frank Baum i il·lustrat per W.W. Denslow. Va ser publicat per la George M. Hill Company a Chicago en 1900, i des de llavors fins a la data actual, és un dels llibres que més vegades s'ha publicat, tant als Estats Units com a Europa. …

... Unknown

Sky Island: Being the Further Adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill after Their Visit to the Sea Fairies is a children's fantasy novel written by L. Frank Baum, illustrated by John R. Neill, and published in 1912 by the Reilly & Britton Company—the same constellation of forces that produced the Oz books in the first …

... Unknown

The Enchanted Island of Yew: Whereon Prince Marvel Encountered the High Ki of Twi and Other Surprising People is a children's fantasy novel written by L. Frank Baum, illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory, and published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company in 1903. The first edition contained eight color plates and many colored-ink …