image of Michael Baigent

Michael Baigent

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Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh, authors of The Messianic Legacy, spent over 10 years on their own kind of quest for the Holy Grail, into the secretive history of early France. What they found, researched with the tenacity and attention to detail that befits any great quest, is a tangled and …

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The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception is a book by authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. Rejecting the established, peer-reviewed consensus that the Dead Sea scrolls were the work of a marginal Jewish apocalyptic movement, and following primarily the thesis of Robert Eisenman, the authors argued that the Scrolls were …

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The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History is a book by author Michael Baigent published in 2006. Providing his detailed history of Jesus' life and crucifixion; using papers that, according to the author, were covered up. The book documents the political context of Jesus' birth, and then goes on to …

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The Temple and the Lodge is a book written by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh that claims to trace a link between the suppressed Knights Templar and modern day Freemasonry. The book is usually described as "speculative history", although the Borders chain lists it as "Pseudohistory".

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