image of Nevil Shute

Nevil Shute

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Lonely Road is a novel by British author Nevil Shute. It was first published in 1932 by William Heinemann and in the US by William Morrow. In 1936 it was adapted as a film, The Lonely Road, released in the US the same year as Scotland Yard Commands, starring Clive Brook and Victoria Hopper. The novel also served as …

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Marazan is the first published novel by the British author Nevil Shute. It was originally published in 1926 by Cassell & Co, then republished in 1951 by William Heinemann. The events of the novel occur, in part, around the Isles of Scilly.

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Most Secret is a novel by Nevil Shute, written in 1942 but censored until 1945, when it was published by Pan Books. It is narrated by a commander in the Royal Navy, and tells the story of four officers who launch a daring mission at the time when Britain stood alone against Germany after the fall of France. Genevieve …

... Unknown

No Highway is a 1948 novel by Nevil Shute. It later formed the basis of the 1951 film No Highway in the Sky. The novel contains many of the ingredients that made Shute popular as a novelist, and, like several other of Shute's later novels, includes an element of the supernatural. Nevil Shute Norway, to give the …

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On the Beach is het bekendste werk van Nevil Shute. Het boek beschrijft de laatste maanden van het menselijk bestaan op aarde, nadat de bevolking op het noordelijk halfrond is vernietigd door een reeks van atoombomaanvallen. De opvolgende nucleair fall-out maakt het noordelijk halfrond onbewoonbaar. De nucleaire wolk …

... Unknown

Round the Bend was a 1951 novel by Nevil Shute. It tells the story of Constantine "Connie" Shaklin, an aircraft engineer who founds a new religion transcending existing religions based on the merit of good work. The book explores themes that would later be reflected in Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle …