image of 필립 K. 딕

필립 K. 딕

... Unknown

Set in the middle of the twenty-first century, The Simulacra is the story of an America where the whole government is a fraud and the President is an android. Against this backdrop Dr. Superb, the sole remaining psychotherapist, is struggling to practice in a world full of the maladjusted. Ian Duncan is desperately in …

... Unknown

The Philip K. Dick Reader is a collection of science fiction stories by Philip K. Dick. It was first published by Citadel Twilight in 1997. Many of the stories had originally appeared in the magazines If, Science Fiction Adventures, Science Fiction Stories, Orbit, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Imagination, Future, …

... Unknown

Now Wait for Last Year is a 1966 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. It's 2055 and Earth is caught between two galactic powers in an interstellar conflict. Dr. Eric Sweetscent and his wife Kathy get addicted to a powerful drug that appears to cause time travel. The doctor's patient is the world leader, UN …

... Unknown

The Penultimate Truth is a 1964 science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. The story is set in a future where the bulk of humanity is kept in large underground shelters. The people are told that World War III is being fought above them, when in reality the war ended years ago. The novel is based on …

... Unknown

Confessions of a Crap Artist is a 1975 novel by Philip K. Dick, originally written in 1959. Dick wrote about a dozen non-science fiction novels in the period from 1948 to 1960; this is the only one published during his lifetime. The novel chronicles a bitter and complex marital conflict in 1950s suburban California …

... Unknown

Clans of the Alphane Moon is a 1964 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. It is based on his 1954 short story Shell Game, first published in Galaxy Science Fiction magazine.

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Counter-Clock World is a 1967 science fiction novel by author Philip K. Dick. It was expanded from his short story Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday, first published in the August 1966 edition of Amazing Stories.

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하늘의 눈은 미국의 SF소설가 필립 K. 딕의 소설이다. 평행 우주 테마의 대표적인 작품이자 필립 딕의 대표적인 블랙 코미디로 손꼽힌다.

... Unknown

죽음의 미로는 미국의 SF소설가 필립 K. 딕의 장편소설 작품이다. 1970년 첫 출간되었다. 이 소설은 외계 행성을 배경으로 한 우주 모험SF의 외형에 미스터리와 스릴러적인 요소를 더했다는 평을 받는다. 새로운 희망을 품고 우주의 각 행성에서 미개척 행성에 모인 14명의 사람들은 하지만 원인 불명의 기계 고장으로 외부와의 연락이 단절된 채 고립되고 만다. 이 14명을 대상으로 한 의문의 살인 사건이 발생한다. 그러던 중 이 행성이 지구라는 것이 밝혀진다. 등장인물들은 혼란을 겪고 이 세계 자체가 사실은 우주선의 무료함을 달래기 위해 만들어진 가상의 세계라는 것을 …

... Unknown

Radio Free Albemuth is a dystopian novel by Philip K. Dick, written in 1976 and published posthumously in 1985. Originally titled VALISystem A, it was his first attempt to deal in fiction with his experiences of early 1974. When his publishers at Bantam requested extensive rewrites he canned the project and reworked …