image of 斯蒂芬·茨威格


* November 28, 1881 in Austria - † February 23, 1942 in Brazil
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A suave baron takes a fancy to twelve-year-old Edgar's mother, while the three are holidaying in an Austrian mountain resort. His initial advances rejected, the baron befriends Edgar in order to get closer to the woman he desires. The initially unsuspecting child soon senses something is amiss, but has no idea of the …

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José Fouché nació el 21 de mayo de 1759, en Le Pellerin, Francia. Hijo y descendiente de marineros y mercaderes, se esperaba que siguiera con la tradición de familia, pero las características físicas con las que Zweig describe al desvalido José, inducen

... Unknown

《一个陌生女子的来信》,是奥地利犹太裔作家斯蒂芬·茨威格早期的短篇小说代表作。 …

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Confusion, also known under the literal translation Confusion of Feelings, and as Episode in the Early Life of Privy Councillor D. is a 1927 novella by the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. It tells the story of a student and his friendship with a professor. It was originally published in the omnibus volume Conflicts: …

... Unknown

Life at the court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette has long captivated readers, drawn by accounts of the intrigues and pageantry that came to such a sudden and unexpected end. Stefan Zweig's Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of an Average Woman is a dramatic account of the guillotine's most famous victim, from the time …

... Unknown

Following the death of her husband, a middle-aged Englishwoman travels through Europe to escape loneliness and boredom. One evening during her stay at the French Riviera, while enjoying the atmosphere of the Monte Carlo Casino, she becomes mesmerized by the obsessive gambling of a young Polish aristocrat. This fateful …

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The Post Office Girl is a novel by the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. It tells the story of Christine Hoflehner, a female post-office clerk in poverty-stricken Vienna, Austria-Hungary, following World War I. The book was published posthumously in 1982.

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The factors that change the course of history are primarily the product of the contributions made by individual lives to the broad pattern of mortal existence. In his collection of 'historical miniatures,' Stefan Zweig celebrates the monumental power of the spirit to discover, to create, to transcend the limits …

... Unknown

昨日的世界是一部奥地利作家斯蒂芬·茨威格的自传体文学作品。这本书写成于1939年至1941年间,是茨威格临终前被流放的最后几年里完成的。在茨威格离世以后,1942年,该书才得以在斯德哥尔摩面世。 …