Trauma and the Spirit: Post Traumatic Stress Recovery Guide

by John Mullaney


The earth has a hole in its ozone. The atmosphere is not protecting the earth from the penetrating and harmful ultraviolet rays. Things are heating up and nature is hurting. It abounds with problems. Abnormal and changing weather patterns along with violent storms are commonplace. The planet is rocking with earthquakes. We are committing planetary suicide with deforestation and pollution and mother earth is letting us know. This same condition exists in the spiritual dimension. There is a direct correlation between the physical and the spiritual. What is happening on earth is merely a reflection of the condition of the soul of mankind. For what happens in the physical originates from the spiritual. In the beginning was the Word. The soul of mankind is being assaulted by the forces and pressures of contemporary life. There are all kinds of spiritual problems such as fear, depression and anxieties. Change can be traumatizing and we are living in traumatic times. It seems that the soul of mankind could be changing? Understanding the nature of trauma would seem prudent.

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