A Match Made in Bliss (Bliss Village Series #1) (Love Inspired #341)

Roman von Diann Walker


RUNNING AWAY FROM HOMESuddenly single and unemployed, corporate attorney Lauren Romey needed a rest, a job and a new squeeze. Her friends took charge of the "rest" part. They booked her a trip to a Bliss Village bed-and-breakfast. And they thought they were going to take care of the "new squeeze" part as well, by setting her up with the innkeepers' son. RUNNING TOWARD LOVE? But when Lauren wound up at the wrong bed-and-breakfast, she found herself the fifth contestant in "Win Daddy's Heart, " the unlikely brainchild of widowed owner Garrett Cantrell's teenage daughters. Throw in her ex-fiancé, four quirky contestants and some very untimely TV coverage—and it's open season for chaos…or love, where she least expected it.

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