Best Hikes with Dogs: Central California

von Linda Mullally


CLICK HERE to download a free hike from Best Hikes with Dogs Central California

* Guidebook to 55 dog-friendly hikes in California's Central Coast, Carmel Valley, Big Sur, and the Sierra Nevada
* Tips on trail etiquette, trip preparations, finding appropriate routes for your dog, reducing environmental impacts, and more
* Most up-to-date info on leash laws and regulations

Central California has it all -- gorgeous coastal parkland, mountainous wilderness areas, and everything in between. Hiking with your dog in Central California has never been easier for residents and visitors alike. This guide includes dog-friendly trails between Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo, stretching across the Central Valley eastward to Lee Vining and southward to Lone Pine. These trails are not only legal for canine hikers, but also welcoming and safe. Additionally, this guide presents information on hiking responsibly with your dog: what to do when you encounter other hikers, tips on minimizing negative impacts, and skills for preparing your dog for a hike in the varied terrain of Central California.

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