Body, Breath and Being: A New Guide to the Alexander Technique

von Carolyn Nicholls


Body, Breath and Being explores the Alexander Technique through the experiences of those who have studied it and benefited from it. These include:

*A keen amateur sportsman who was “reborn” after being resigned to a lifetime of pain.

*A photographer who overcame a debilitating back problem that was interfering with his professional work.

*A pregnant woman who used the technique to relieve indegestion and handle her changing posture.

*A musician who managed an asthmatic problem that was affecting her playing.

Body, Breath and Being:

*Is ideal for both beginner and expert

*Includes over 100 full colour photographs and diagrams

*Provides practical experiments in every chapter

The book offers a new view of the way we use our bodies and the consequences not only on our health, but also our approach to life

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