Building Bridges through Sensory Integration

von Ellen Yack, Paula Aquilla


Perfect for those working with young children, but broad enough to be adapted for older children and adults. Provides creative techniques and useful tips while offering innovative strategies and practical advice for dealing with everyday challenges, including managing behaviors, improving muscle tone, developing social skills, selecting diets - and more!

Written by three occupational therapists whose areas of expertise include sensory integration, autism, learning disabilities, and enhancing motor skills, Building Bridges through Sensory Integration offers a combination of theory and strategies for parents, therapists, and teachers. The ideas in this book evolved as they searched for resources to provide simple activity suggestions and accomodations for the children in their own practices.

Part one includes the theory of sensory integration, occupational therapy’s role in treatment of sensory issues, and information on the sensory systems.

Part two supplies numerous checklists to use in screening for sensory difficulties, strategies for managing challenging behaviors, ideas for self-care skills, adaptations for different settings, suggested activities for sensory diets, and make-it-yourself equipment ideas.

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