Controlling Hormones Naturally: My Journey for Solutions to Pms, Menopause & Osteoporsis With Wild Yam

von Melinda Bonk


Read this book to discover natural approaches for hormone replacement therapy, PMS, Menopause and Osteoporosis with phytoestrogens and natural progesterone.

AUTHOR COMMENTS: Today, women read about the benefits and risks of estrogen. Now if you are one of the 40 million women facing menopause, you are faced with many questions in order to decided for yourself how you'll experience the process. This book helps inform you with the knowledge and answers, so you can make an intelligent decision. You may have hot flashes, night sweats or you have read of the dangers of shrinking or broken bones. You don't want to end up like that. If you had breast cancer and can't take estrogen, What choice do you have? With this book, you'll have the information you need to make decisions.

This book include: A complete vitamin and mineral chart, a descriptive list of phytoestrogens, to a complete description of hormones and how they work in the body.

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