Featuring the Saint

Mystery von Leslie Charteris


Featuring the Saint is a collection of three mystery novellas by Leslie Charteris, first published in the United Kingdom in February 1931 by Hodder and Stoughton. This was the fifth book to feature the adventures of Simon Templar, alias "The Saint". It was the first novella collection to be published since Enter the Saint a year earlier. The three stories had previously been published in The Thriller magazine in the UK.
The first American publication of Featuring the Saint occurred in 1931 as part of the compilation Wanted for Murder, which also included the contents of the following book, Alias the Saint. One story from this collection, "The Man Who Could Not Die", was included in a 1950s American edition of Alias the Saint; a complete US edition of the original Featuring the Saint was first published in the early 1960s.
Later editions published in the 1960s



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