Filling the Ranks: Transforming the US Military System (Belfer Center Studies in International Security)

von Cindy Williams


The war in Iraq and the problematic military occupation of that country have called
into question the adequacy of America's all-volunteer force. Politicians and others have expressed
doubts about its equity and capability; some have called for the reinstatement of the draft. Yet
over the past twenty years the all-volunteer military has become a technologically advanced force
that has contributed to America's overall military advantage. This book analyzes current military
pay and personnel policies and identifies changes needed to maintain and improve America's
all-volunteer force.Filling the Ranks argues that to attract qualified and motivated volunteers, the
armed forces need to offer better tangible inducements -- pay, benefits, and training -- to
accompany such intangible rewards as pride in serving one's country. Many of the policies related to
tangible rewards were established shortly after World War II and are no longer effective. Filling
the Ranks presents detailed assessments of US military pay and personnel policies in light of the
strategic, demographic, economic, and labor realities of the future. It identifies specific problems
that today's military career patterns, training, pay, and benefits pose for officers and enlisted
men and women in both active duty and reserve forces, discussing such issues as competition with the
private sector for talent, the need to restructure compensation, and provision of family support. It
offers recommendations for more flexible, adaptive, and effective policies and a blueprint for
achieving them.

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