Islamic Homosexualities

von Will Roscoe


Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature is a collection of essays edited by Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe and published in 1997 by New York University Press.
The editors argued that students of the Middle East who originated from all countries have avoided giving attention to homosexual acts, so therefore they had the book made to give attention to the practices. The book's stated purposes were to state "the conceptions and organizations of homosexual desire and conduct in Islamic societies" and "to counter the pronounced Eurocentrism of recent research on homosexuality". The book's central argument is "treating the patterns of homosexuality we find in Islamic societies as categorically distinct from all aspects of modern homosexual identity and lifestyles reinforces the conceits of Eurocentrism". Both editors were not Middle Eastern specialists but were North American and Latin American specialists. Bruce Dunne of the Lambda Book Report wrote that the book argued that premodern LGBT groups in the Middle East are "progressive" and "modern" as much as the modern LGBT identities are.

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