One Million Arrows: Raising Your Children to Change the World

von Julie Ferwerda


Special Note: All of the Author's proceeds from this book have been designated for international orphan ministry.

Will the world change your children . . . or will your children change the world?

Time is short and lives are at stake. Right now, God is inviting your family to become part of a bigger story a vision that will engage your hearts to make a radical difference. One Million Arrows is an inspirational call to raise your kids to impact their culture, community, and world for Christ. If you want your kids to discover their purpose, if you want them to live with a passion for the Kingdom, if you want your family to go down in His-Story, accept the mission . . . and leave a mark for eternity.

People are talking about One Million Arrows...

"One Million Arrows is a great wake-up call for parents of this generation. If we want our children to take part in the powerful purpose and unique mission God has designed for them, we ve got to take responsibility for raising our kids as disciples of Christ." —Josh D. McDowell

"God has called His people to leave a legacy of godliness for the next generation. One Million Arrows picks up on that high calling and casts a God-sized vision for parents who long to see their children used by God in mighty will challenge you to raise your children as ambassadors for Christ rather than casualties of the culture-war." —Dennis Rainey, FamilyLife

"I encourage you and your family to pray and become involved [in the One Million Arrows vision] as God leads you." —Franklin Graham, Samaritan's Purse

"... One Million Arrows is a must read for parents who aspire to disciple their kids as world changers, recreating culture around them." —Ron Luce, Teen Mania Ministries

"As seen in One Million Arrows, God is doing something special in this generation He's stirring the hearts of our children, urging them to be ready and willing to become part of a mighty movement. Read this book, and embrace the power and phenomenal beauty of parenting your children for a special purpose..." —Thelma Wells, A Woman of God Ministries

"I speak both as a father and a missionary to orphans; One Million Arrows deals with the most important issue facing the evangelical world today, and that is making disciples of our own children instead of expecting someone else to do it while we pursue other things. There is no more urgent pursuit, no more essential need than raising our children to know and love Christ." —Clayton King, Crossroads Worldwide

"Julie Ferwerda's vision for One Million Arrows needs to be heard and caught by the Christian community of the 21st century. She rightly senses that we live in a time of great opportunity for the advance of God s Kingdom, but it will take...the wisdom to start young and focus on the children of this generation. Anyone passionately committed to advancing God s kingdom should read this." —David Guzik, Calvary Chapel Bible College, Germany

"One Million Arrows is not just a book . . . it's part of a vision that's already taking place on every continent in the lives of God s young people. If you're ready for you and your family to truly make a difference in this world, this book is for you." —Dr. Alvin Reid, SE Baptist Theological Seminary

"...Julie Ferwerda provides practical and exciting ideas about how to position our children above the selfish mediocrity that brands so many kids. I love it and want to live it and share it with my friends." —Dr. Steve Stephens, Marriage and Family Psychologist

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