Sherlock Holmes und die Theatermorde. Aus den Memoiren von John H. Watson.

Detektivgeschichte von Nicholas Meyer


The West End Horror: A Posthumous Memoir of John H. Watson, M.D. is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche novel by Nicholas Meyer, published in 1976. It takes place after Meyer's other two Holmes pastiches, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution and The Canary Trainer, though it was published in between the two.
The plot concerns a series of strange murders in London's theatre district at the end of the 19th century. Contrary to what the press has sometimes asserted, The West End Horror has nothing to do with Jack the Ripper or his crimes. It also includes a first meeting between Holmes and Doctor Moore Agar, whose "dramatic introduction to Holmes" was one that Watson, in the original Arthur Conan Doyle story "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot", wrote that he "may some day recount."
The West End Horror made the The New York Times Best Seller list for eleven weeks between June 13, 1976 and August 22, 1976.



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