The Big Book of Leadership Games: Quick, Fun Activities to Improve Communication, Increase Productivity, and Bring Out the Best in Employees

von Vasudha K. Deming


Dozens of engaging ways to forge good working relationships between managers and their staffs

This book offers managers 50 fun, illuminating experiential activities for building a positive, open, and productive relationship with the people they manage. Unlike ropes courses and other off-site management activities, The Big Book of Leadership Games features activities that can be used in the workplace during staff meetings, as a part of training sessions, or even in the course of daily work. This empowering guide shows leaders how to:

  • Tap employees' creativity and boost their self-confidence
  • Create and sustain a mutual trust with employees
  • Break down communication barriers and increase collaboration
  • Bring about a positive climate in the workplace
  • Encourage higher productivity
  • Solicit constructive feedback

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