The Law of the Garbage Truck: How to Respond to People Who Dump on You, and How to Stop Dumping on Others

von David J. Pollay


Twenty years ago, while riding in the back of a New York City taxicab, syndicated columnist and business consultant David J. Pollay had an awakening-and he converted the lesson he learned that day into a life philosophy: By letting other people's “garbage”-their negativity-simply “pass by,” and not dumping garbage on others, you can become happier and more successful, both personally and professionally. Since David published the “Law“ in his newspaper column three years ago, more than 1,000 blogs have posted it, millions more have read it, and organizations worldwide have adopted it. And the numbers keep growing. Translated into nearly 50 languages, people from more than 100 countries have taken David's “No Garbage Trucks! Pledge.” All over the world people remember the focusing metaphor of the garbage truck for what can be achieved in life by not staking success and happiness on the behavior of others. Powerful and easily understood, The Law of the Garbage Truck will guide and inspire readers everywhere, every day.

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