The McAtrix Derided : A Parody ... Or Is That Just What They Want You to Think""

von Robertski Brothers


Give a cheer: another pompous blockbuster is knocked down to size and turned into a source of unstoppable laughter. Hot on the heels of Bored of the Rings comes an indispensable parody of the most humorless big screen epics of all time: The Matrix and its completely confused sequels. In spite of featuring a lead actor who can barely speak, and quotations from philosophers most of its audience hadn’t read, the movies spawned an immense following. Now the entire trilogy has been transformed into comedy. You’ll recognize the pretentious themes—twisted realities, paranoia, and godhead—and the distinctive imagery: dark glasses, impractical long coats, slow-motion bullets that are deadly in more ways than one, and strange robot thingamajigs. They’ll all come in for ribbing.

The Author: A rumor is circulating that Robertski Brothers is really Adam Roberts—but he’s not telling.

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