Let There Be Peace in the Classroom (Children's Ministries)

por Jenni Douglas Duncan


What do I do if a child throws a tantrum? How do I deal with cliques? What do I do when children say they are bored? What if the children constantly interrupt? How do I stop children from making fun of one another? If you have ever asked these questions or others about classroom management, then Let There Be Peace in the Classroom is for you. Using a positive approach to discipline, this book tackles the hard issues teachers of children face and provides workable suggestions for dealing with those issues.

Included in the book are: • Help for creating inner peace for the teacher • Discussion of the causes of misbehavior • Suggestions for how to respond to classroom conflict • Information to help teachers respond to a variety of learning styles • Over 30 classroom activities to promote a peaceful classroom • Models for conflict resolution • Additional suggested resources • A model for a 4-session study or retreat on peacemaking. (2002)

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