Masterclass: Going Down (Masterclass)

Novela por Ian Cameron, M Brahms


Going Down is an informal and beautifully laid-out guide to the most important recreational sex act in the human repertoire: cunnilingus. With a mass of specially commissioned drawings brilliantly executed by topoftherange artist Lynn Paula Russell, herself a 'sexpert' of some standing and throughly qualified in the field. Her elegant and numerous pencil drawings are works of art that will strike a pleasurable chord in male and female readers alike. Author Ian Cameron guides us through the initial minefields of potential disasters or just plain mediocrity and dullness. He quickly takes us through the basics: anatomy, its physiology and physiological reactions, and then on to his revolutionary new technique which transforms cunnilingus from a sex act into a work of art: Tongue Talking, which embraces the more important positions too. Health considerations are covered and also a short section on analingus or rimming. As with the first two Masterclass books this is a radical departure from the normal sex guide: explicit, relaxed and straightforward Men: learn what women really want from you in bed. Women: your sex life could beyond all recognition for the better!

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