Etüüd punases

Novel, detective fiction by Arthur Conan Doyle, Ian Edginton


"Etüüd punases" on Arthur Conan Doyle'i esimene jutustus, kus astuvad üles detektiiv Sherlock Holmes ja doktor Watson.
Esmakordselt ilmus "Etüüd punases" almanahhis "Beeton's Christmas Annual" ja algselt kandis teos pealkirja "A Tangled Skein". Noore Southsea arsti A. Conan Doyle'i jutustuse sündmuste kulg antakse edasi erruläinud sõjaväearsti John Watsoni silmade läbi. Teoses on puudutatud ka Utah' mormoonide kogukonna teemat.
Holmesi tegelaskuju loomisel oli kirjanikul eeskujuks detektiivid C. Auguste Dupin Edgar Allan Poe ja Monsieur Lecoq Émile Gaboriau' kriminaaljuttudest.

First Published


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This is my least favorite of the Sherlock Holmes stories, and it's a shame, because it's the beginning of the immortal duo. It would have been nice to see a story focused on the pair, but unfortunately Doyle seems to enjoy intruding on his longer Holmes stories with a completely different story in order to give us the back story of the murderer. This worked okay with Valley of Fear, in which I at least was given the story of a murderer that I liked, but this murderer - good heavens, we are given literally nothing to latch on to here. The story goes on and on about two other characters, who are then both whisked out of the story within pages of each other and never appear again, while the murderer is left to follow his course - with no more background or character given to him than before. Having said that, I still like to re-read it from time to time (and *very* hastily skim the backstory bits) in order to relive the first meeting of Holmes and Watson.

0 Responses posted in December
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