The most popular books in English
from 54201 to 54400

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

54296. Der Kaiser Von Utopia

Paul Scheerbart

Aus dem Buch: "Und brennende Augen hatte die Lichtgestalt und wunderliche wulstige Gliedmaßen, die aber immer wieder anders leuchteten, da die elektrischen Lichter im Innern der Ballons in ständiger Bewegung waren; von den Stricken, an denen die Lichtgestalt heruntergezogen …

54331. Metamorphosis of Plants

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe's influential text, newly illustrated with stunning color photographs.The Metamorphosis of Plants, published in 1790, was Goethe's first major attempt to describe what he called in a letter to a friend “the truth about the how of the organism.” Inspired by the diversity …

54393. The Marquise of O

Heinrich von Kleist

The Marquise of O is a novella by Heinrich von Kleist on the subject of forced seduction. It was first published in 1808.

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