image of Gregory Keyes

Gregory Keyes

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The Briar King is first novel of four in the series The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone, by writer Greg Keyes.

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The Charnel Prince is a fantasy novel by Greg Keyes. It is a sequel to The Briar King and the second book of The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone.

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The Blood Knight is a fantasy novel by Greg Keyes. It's a sequel to The Charnel Prince and the third book of The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone.

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The Born Queen is a fantasy novel by Greg Keyes. It's the fourth and last novel in the series The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone.

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Newton's Cannon is the first novel in Gregory Keyes's The Age of Unreason series. The main protagonist for the novel is Benjamin Franklin; other key characters to the novel are James Franklin - Ben's brother, John Collins - Ben's friend, as well as Adrienne and King Louis XIV - the Sun King.

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Babylon 5: Dark Genesis – The Birth of the Psi Corps is a Babylon 5 novel by J. Gregory Keyes.

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A Calculus of Angels is the second book in Gregory Keyes' The Age of Unreason series. It was initially published by Del Rey on March 30, 1999. A follow up to Newton's Cannon, the book is set in 1722 and continues the alternate history where Isaac Newton discovers that alchemy works, and a powerful science is built …

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Babylon 5: Deadly Relations – Bester Ascendant is a Babylon 5 novel by J. Gregory Keyes.

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The Final Prophecy is a novel in the New Jedi Order series, written by Greg Keyes. Published and released in 2003, it is the eighteenth installment of the series, which is set in the Star Wars universe.