image of Simone de Beauvoir

Simone de Beauvoir

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A very easy death is a 1964 book written by Simone de Beauvoir.

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She Came to Stay is a novel written by French author Simone de Beauvoir first published in 1943. The novel is a fictional account of her and Jean-Paul Sartre's relationship with Olga Kosakiewicz and Wanda Kosakiewicz.

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The woman destroyed is a 1967 book written by Simone de Beauvoir.

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The Mandarins is a 1954 roman à clef by Simone de Beauvoir. Beauvoir was awarded the Prix Goncourt prize in 1954 for The Mandarins. It was first published in English in 1956. The book follows the personal lives of a close-knit group of French intellectuals from the end of World War II to the mid fifties. The title …

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A superb autobiography by one of the great literary figures of the twentieth century, Simone de Beauvoir's Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter offers an intimate picture of growing up in a bourgeois French family, rebelling as an adolescent against the conventional expectations of her class, and striking out on her own with …

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El segon sexe és un llibre escrit el 1949 per Simone de Beauvoir, quan tenia 41 anys. Es tracta d'una de les obres més conegudes i més importants per al moviment feminista. De fet, és gràcies a aquesta obra que Simone de Beauvoir és tinguda com a «mare espiritual» de l'anomenada segona onada feminista. Això no vol …