image of August Strindberg

August Strindberg

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This edition embraces Strindberg's crucial transition from Naturalism to Modernism, from his two finest achievements as a psychological realist, The Father and Miss Julie, to the three plays in which he redefined the possibilities of European drama following his return to the theatre in 1898, A Dream Play, The Ghost …

... Unknown

Tjänstekvinnans son är en självbiografisk roman skriven av August Strindberg 1886, ett år före Hemsöborna. I romanen berättar Strindberg om sina uppväxtvillkor, det vill säga familjesituation, ekonomi och samhällstatus. I boken heter Strindbergs romanfigur Johan. Strindberg skrev denna efter att han blivit åtalad och …

... Unknown

This autobiographical novel is based on Strindberg's life in the 1870s and 1880s, and focuses on his marriage to Siri von Essen. It purports to be a vehicle for explaining to himself his role in the relationship from its ecstatic beginnings to its catastrophic conclusion. The novel was written in French and the French …

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