image of Dick King-Smith

Dick King-Smith

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Babe est un cochon fictif. Il a été créé par l'auteur britannique Dick King-Smith. Il est également le héros de deux films : Babe, le cochon devenu berger de Chris Noonan Babe 2, le cochon dans la ville de George Miller Portail des animaux de compagnie Portail du cinéma

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The Water Horse is a novel written by Dick King-Smith.

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Martin's Mice is a children's book about a cat who befriends mice. It was written by Dick King Smith. The first edition was published in 1998.

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The Foxearth fowls have a tradition of battling with the crafty foxes whose cunning is hard to outwit. Then the bold rooster fathers three exceptional chicks - Ransome, Sims and Jeffries - who fly faster, higher and further than any chicken has ever done before. They are the Fox Busters.

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A baby mouse who won't stop growing is carried off by the rat catcher and begins a series of adventures.