image of Richard Ford

Richard Ford

... Unknown

Frank Bascombe, in the aftermath of his divorce and the ruin of his career, has entered an 'Existence Period' - selling real estate in New Jersey and mastering the high-wire act of normalcy. But, over one Fourth of July weekend, Frank is called into sudden, bewildering engagement with life. "Independence Day" is a …

... Unknown

Sportjournalist, författare och fastighetsmäklare. Far, man och älskare - Frank Bascombe har varit många saker för många människor. Nu ligger hans ungdom bakom honom. I romanen Som landet ligger får vi följa Frank under tre höstdagar. Han har föreställt sig sig den här perioden i sitt liv som lugn, en behaglig fas där …

... Unknown

It's hard to imagine a book illuminating the texture of everyday life more brilliantly, or capturing the truth of human emotions more honestly, than Ford does in his account of an alienated scribe in the New Jersey suburbs. Frank Bascombe, Ford's protagonist, clings to his almost villainous despair in a way that …

... Unknown