Grief is the Thing with Feathers

von Max Porter


In a London flat, two young boys face the unbearable sadness of their Mom's sudden, accidental death. The Dad imagines a future of well-meaning visitors and emptiness, while the boys wander, savage and unsupervised. In this moment of violent despair they are visited by Crow--antagonist, trickster, goad, protector, therapist, and babysitter. This self-described "sentimental bird," threatens to stay until no longer needed. As weeks turn to months and the pain of loss lessens giving way to memories, the threesome begins to recover: Max Porter's extraordinary debut - Part novella, part polyphonic fable, part essay on grief, combines compassion and bravura style to dazzling effect. Full of humour, wit and profound truths, Grief Is the Thing with Feathers is a startlingly sad and very funny.

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