Hogey's Journey: A Memoir by Eph Ehly

von Eph Ehly


The life of legendary choral conductor and clinician Dr. Eph Ehly is a life lived in passionate dedication to living to learn, learning to teach, and teaching to learn how to live. With this memoir, he opens a window into that remarkable life and the steadfast personal and professional philosophies that guide it. Dr. Ehly has crafted the fictional Dr. Edward Hoegger (Hogey), a retired choral conductor and composite of himself and his Papa, to impart his lifetime of wisdom and expertise. And it is through the engrossing story of Hogey's summer spent at The Ranch with his grandchildren, and the interwoven reflections on four decades of teaching, that we are led on a path of self-discovery. As you journey with Hogey, you will find yourself invigorated and saddened, entertained and challenged, and, ultimately, reminded of what truly matters in a life--not just the life of a choral conductor/educator, but the life of one who strives for balance, contentment and joy in all aspects of life.

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